Modern Natural Skincare

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News: After Five Years, a Design Change (April 16, 2014)

The obvious change is that I replaced "Recent" with "Blog." My original ideas for "Recent" never went any further. And for some time now I have been longing for a easy way to add short remarks that don't fit easily into the existing structure. I intend the new "Blog" to satisfy that desire.

News: It's Soup! (July 20, 2009)

Welcome to the newly re-designed site! This site was originally named "Skin Care au Naturel" after my book of the same name. Time marches on and I've renamed the book and this site. This design gives me a better way to engage with you and to play with different web design ideas.

The site accommodates three kinds of topics: articles, news stories, and letters written by readers like you.

In these early days more content is planned than actually exists. I promise more to come. Your suggestions are welcome.