Modern Natural Skincare

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About Us (July 16, 2009)

This site is dedicated to the the promotion of natural skin care and helping you learn what it is and how to practice it. We hope you enjoy the site and the information it contains. Welcome!

"We" are Susan, Blondie, and Captain Courageous. Blondie and Captain are Maine Coon cats of the gorgeous orange tabby persuasion. Their contribution is abiding affection and companionship, and fur on the keyboard. They remind me to take breaks, especially when they need attention or food.

I found natural skincare around 1992 in a last attempt to remedy the acne I had had since 16. I'd gone to dermatologists off and on, one was helpful while the others were not. But I did not like the idea of getting a medical treatment every few weeks as a long-term solution. I did fall for the idea of antibiotics, I'm embarrassed to admit, and took them for years with no real improvement in my complexion. And, as I later discovered, that "therapy" really messed up my gastrointestinal system. Which took a good amount of time to put back together properly.

In disgust with the acne, and having tried nearly every product and idea to no avail, I said to myself "well, I'll try natural skincare" not knowing what it was or how to find it. I bought the first book I found that seemed to address natural skincare. I re-read it because, while entertaining, it was useless as a reference. Eventually I found more books. I began to write notes for myself in an attempt to understand and apply the information in the few books I found. I tried things from each of the books and kept on reading. After three months I was convinced that natural skincare is possible, it is easy, and it works. In fact, it works best if you do not use commercial products at all.

The nearly 20 handwritten pages I had after reading the first book grew into a book of my own, one organized to suit me and with all the details I find interesting, relevant, and important. I keep it in a 3-ring binder and refer to it every so often.

With a little distance, I've come to appreciate the acne—really! Without it I would not have taken this path. I would have missed learning about herbs, essential oils, and clays—natural substances I now cherish.

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